Thursday, February 26, 2009

First Nye post - YAY!

Well hello blog land!! Welcome to the first ever Nye 5 blog! I've seen friends and other family members blogging, but never thought there would be a need for me/us to blog our lives into the internet world....but - here we are!!

Let me introduce my family, A.K.A the Nye 5!! My name is Katrina and I am married to my best friend and soul mate, Paul. Together we have 3 WONDERFUL boys; Brennan (12), Jeffrey (5) and Mason (20 mths). We own and operate our own computer building business.....unfortunately, with the failing economy we are making a transition back into the workforce, albeit, the same field - but a small change for us nonetheless.......lets see, what else? We don't have much free time (HA! Who does these days?), but what time I do find I might have, I spend volunteering at my sons' schools doing whatever needs done in their classrooms, we go up to our lake property every opportunity we get and pretty well try to live each day at a time and take what's handed to us!!

I am hoping to find time often to update and/or post about our happenings feel free to check back often! Once I figure out how to use this thing I'll change things up a bit.....soon there will be some photos and other added goodies. :) Have a good day!!

The Nye 5

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